Now with my life app

Now with my life app

Proteiny application seeks to spread the concept of integrated healthy living among our society as a lifestyle full of goals and work on them, and your life becomes your first concern

  • Healthy food
  • Diet regimen
  • Fast food
  • Keto food
  • Mix
What do we offer in Proteiny app ?

In the application of my life, we offer you the best lunch

With the Proteiny application, you will enjoy a different healthy experience, because you will be able to choose your diet that is suitable for you from among the available systems and the ability to arrange your daily meals based on your body’s needs under the supervision of specialists, in addition to the possibility of ordering healthy food through our shared restaurants with complete ease and in simple steps and with the best offers and discounts ..

We also provide special exercise programs that suit each individual to contribute to a healthy and harmonious body under the supervision of specialized experts to obtain the best results.

All this and more in the Proteiny app by subscribing to the available packages as desired (weekly - monthly - yearly) at the best costs with the least effort..

What interest

We will show you some of the features that
Offered by the app

  • Diverse diets
  • Follow-up under the supervision of experts and specialists in the field of nutrition
  • Easy to subscribe and sign up
  • Specialized exercise programs
  • Various subscription packages (weekly - monthly - yearly)
  • Save money and time

Clients trust in

اسهل واوفر تطبيق صحي استخدمته في حياتي، وبالفعل جربت نظام الكيتو الموجود وساهم في انقاص وزنى، شكرا لكم..

محمد عبدالمالك

الأنظمة الغذائية المتاحة رائعة، وإمكانية ترتيب الوجبات اليومية فكرة ممتاز، اتمنى لكم كل التوفيق

تاليا أحمد

كل الخدمات المتوفرة رائعة، اتمنى اضافة برامج خاصة بتمارين رياضية منزلية لانقاص الوزن، متشكرة ليكم

حنين محمد

باقات الإشتراك الشهرية موفرة للغاية، ونظام الاكلات الصحية ممتاز ساعدنى في تقليل نسبة الدهون في جسمي بأقل مجهود، شكرا لكل القائمين على التطبيق

حسام ابراهيم